What is red, white, and black, and has fur all over, and is cuter then ever!?

Red pandas, most commonly named Ailurus Fulgens, are so cute! Red pandas are related to the pandas and raccoons, but most people  think they are mostly related to pandas. They also their own group Ailuridee! Red pandas are mammals that sleep most of the day . They are herbivores, and they mostly eat bamboo, roots, and fruits! Red pandas coats are a dusty red with black and white! Their coats are actually for camouflage when they’re up in the trees they are hidden from predators because of the shade of the tree. Red pandas actually have lots adaptations that help them in the wild.  Their greatest one is that their eyes have tear marks that travel to the mouth to protect it eyes from the sun! Another adaptation is its tale. They can protect themselves from the winters by curling up! Their fur is dense, so it is winterproof.




Red pandas live in China, Nepal, and North Myanmar. Red pandas use scent markings to  keep their territories. They use urine and anal glands. the most exiting  thing is that they have markings on their foot pads. The clear liquid is not scented to most humans but most predators can. They test it by using its thick backside of its tongue that takes its glands. Red pandas have something that there ancestors do not have. They are very flexible, and they have thumbs! Their ankles are so flexible. They are even able to climb down head first. Red pandas are not very social. When they are mating they are the most social. Most female Red pandas have four babies. They are born in the summer and the spring. They are taken care of by their mother for ninety days, and will not leave the nest. Even though Red pandas are not the most common endangered animals, but they are a big minority. Red pandas are dealing with  deforestation and and the poaching for their fur! How is this fair? Why are humans not thinking of them? Why do most pandas live in China? How do we help them even though we don’t live near them?



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